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The real issue is that when they started development, and design of the rover 10 years ago, the technology for digital cameras was not as advanced as today. But once the manufacturing process, and testing of internal systems starts. They are locked in with what ever tech they chose. Could you imagine if at the last minute some engineer decided to drop in the latest and greatest without proper trials? They launch it, and at 30 million miles away it doesn't work. It isn't like they can ...

4110d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hate streaming. It NEVER looks as good as a direct fed blu-ray. And they don't sound as good either. I for one will not give up my blu-rays.... Until something better comes along.

4121d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, it is sound advice tough. And if you see the picture in the article then what should any half intelligent photographer expect from the Sun being in frame? The fact that someone had to explain this to a user is ridiculous.

4236d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

I am sick of people having to feel guilty for being successful. Either by hard work, or by pure happy luck, or whatever. Where in the world does it say that if you come into money you should spend it on others who don't have any? It's not our fault they live in a freaking desert, and under an oppressive government. Whenever we (the USA) try to help, we get ridiculed. But we are ALWAYS the first ones to be called upon. It is a crap double standard. I say, take the money and buy everyth...

4309d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ohhh... A photograph and all speculation. I am sure glad I read this article.

4320d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah but... What about the ugly ones? Their only choice is to post pictures of their "hot" friends.

4329d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

We only have ourselves to blame. As a population, we need to follow trends, and be part of a popular group. All they did was set up the parameters by which they wanted to grow. The title of the article leads you to believe that they are doing it now, and still fooling us. It is a different set of circumstances when they are trying to get off the ground.

How many of us "padded" or resumes, or even while on the job.... "Oh yeah, I can totally drive an excavator. ...

4332d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

What an idiot. Nice lesson to teach you son. It is parents like that, that we have children turning into adults who have no social value.

4369d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

In a few years there will be an "X" over her mouth for an entirely different reason. Kids now-a-days think they are entitled to special treatment. Hell, my mother dragged me to school in my underware when I was about 8. She opened my door, and pulled me out too. I decided it was not a good idea to screw with her. I NEVER did it again. Today that would be classified as assault. Back then it was a life lesson..... And people wonder why kids today are the way they are. The power is shi...

4399d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haaa, Haaa! I can totally relate.

4435d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

And why didn't her HUSBAND jump in and rescue her? It had to be done by a passer-by?

4435d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey they used my avatar for the article. I only came here because I thought i was about me.

4554d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Jesus.... Thats like copyrighting the alphabet. Well played Steve... Well played.

4582d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

...And people that go swimming are more likely to drown then ones that don't None of this is even worth an article. Nice try.

4642d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh no! Now they are going to have full access to all the pictures of my dog, and my car. What am I ever going to do? Taking down Facebook has no effect on peoples personal information. As far as I know things like phone numbers, and addresses are public information anyway. Facebook does not store important things like credit card info, and social security numbers. What's the big deal?

4663d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh, I get it. They are like modern day Robin Hoods. Oh, wait. They are not giving to the poor. They are making it more dangerous, and difficult to do business as we like (on the internet). That doesn't sound like it's helping me much. Do you realize what a pain in the ass it is to have to change your credit / debit card info 2 - 3 times in a year? Sony didn't personally effect me and my life. But loosing my banking security sure as hell did. They are nothing less than terrorists, ...

4680d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you don't like the Gov't then move to some place better like China, North Korea, Russia, South Africa, Iraq.... The list goes on. It's people like you that make this country f'ed up like it is. No ones is forcing you to stay here. I'll bet it is just pure fear of loosing all the REAL freedom you have, and handing it over to some other country for you principals. Dude, do the world a favor and stop thinking.

4680d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Buying on sale still puts the money in the hands of the creator. Buying used only puts money into the store you are purchasing from. If you would rather make Games Stop rich, and not the developer that makes the games you like then thats your prerogative. But don't call out people just because they would rather support thier hobby and it's creators. It is almost as bad a pirating if you think about it. A pirated game vs. a used game still does not put the money into the right hands. B...

4691d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seeing how it can only be considered porn if you can fap to it. Except for the baby in the tub. The rest could actually be porn. I could fap to almost anything.

4715d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thier servers must have got a virus!

4798d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment